Item no.:005025S
Runway constructed in steel sections incl. 2.5 cm felt mat.
A run-up track without joints or PVC enables the gym pole to stand firmly in its run-in as the felt mat is non-slip.
The race is a regular part of the competition set for TeamGym competitions in GymDanmark.
Write to us for more information and prices.
The track is available in 2 lengths 16 & 11m.*
16m: Consists of 10 pieces of 100×150 cm plus 1 piece of 100×100 cm steel sections with trolley.
11m: Consists of 6 pieces of 100×150 cm plus 2 piece of 100×100 cm steel sections with trolley.
*The ramp can also be made in a different length.
If you want skirts on the side for your approach lane, contact us. We can help you with that too.
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