Item no.:003536bfs
Rhythm floor in the size 16x14m. The size is based on the International TeamGym Regulations.
The floor is primarily used for TeamGym, but can also be used for Cheerleading. The floor was used at the European Championships in Teamgym 2022.
The rhythm floor has two special properties, FLEXI-Roll® as one, and FLEXI-Connect® as the other. We are the only ones in Scandinavia who can do that.
Write to us for more information and prices.
The rhythm floor has two special properties, FLEXI-Roll® as one, and FLEXI-Connect® as the other.
FLEXI-Roll® is an undercut in the foam under the carpet that makes it possible to roll the mat together with the carpet inwards. It protects and extends the life of the carpet.
FLEXI-Connect® is a built-in velcro system in the mat that makes it possible to put the mats together without velcro pieces so that the joints between the mats are hidden.
A rhythm floor of 16x14m is divided into 8 mats that are put together.
The floor is 3.5 cm thick, which gives the rhythm floor a soft surface to perform either TeamGym or Cheerleading on.
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