MD Super G Trampoline

MD Super G has been developed in collaboration with the Danish national teams in TeamGym. It has been developed to be able to handle the biggest trampoline jumps from seniors. In addition, quality, design and ease of use have been considered.

The trampoline has 40, 36, 32 or 28 springs, and with its 4 rubber feet that function as a suction cup, it stands firmly on the floor when the gymnast sets off on the trampoline.
The trampoline is protected by a full edge cushion that protects around the springs so that the gymnast not go through the springs. The upper edge of the trampoline is extra protected so that the gymnast does not hit it.
In addition, the trampoline has 3 wheels that make it extra easy to move around the hall.


22.873,75 DKK

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Brand new height adjustment system
The MD-Trampette can be lifted directly into the desired position depending on the level and size of the gymnast. The step can be adjusted to 4 different heights, 65, 70, 75 & 80cm.
In addition, the trampoline can be folded without having to take it apart. This means that it takes up minimal space in the tool room or during transport.

See here how MD Super G is set: Super G Trampoline – User manual

Special design
MD Super G is delivered as a standard model with a white frame and edge cushion and blue feet.

If you want the trampoline in a different color frame or edge cushion, we can easily deliver this to you.

A real winner trampoline
MD Super G has helped win several medals over time. And many more medals than written here.

At the latest European Championship 2022, MD Super G has been used as a trampoline, but also in 2012, 16 and 18.
In addition, it is used as a fixed part of the competition set for TeamGym competitions in Denmark, England, Norway & Azerbaijan.

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